Re: Can’t get 15x15 to display properly
paulv66 wrote:
I’ve been working on the most recent 15x15 extra puzzle and, for some strange reason, it has suddenly stopped displaying correctly.
I use an iPad and I find that the display is easiest to read when I have the numbers lined up below the puzzle. I then adjust the size so that the full puzzle can be seen.
When I was working on the puzzle last night, I think I may have accidentally hit the size button and the green highlighting of the cells that I had highlighted disappeared. Hitting the size button caused the highlighting to come back, but the display is now too large and I can’t see the entire puzzle at one time.
Thanks for the report, will check.
This may have to do with the new code for colouring the cells (which was needed because of the new dark mode).
The method I'm using now is better, but can still conflict with old code. I'll test this.