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 list of current issues 
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Posted on: Tue May 09, 2017 6:26 pm

Posts: 3471
Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 11:58 pm
 list of current issues
I thought I'd consolidate the various bugs/suggestions in a single list (mostly useful for me :-) )

- feature request: extra books also for 3rd (and after) annual subscription renewal

- feature request: selectively purchase subscriber puzzles without having to subscribe

- feature request: reminder that subscription recently expired if this is the case (and accessing extra puzzle,
for example)

- feature request: hover text for buttons (explanatory text)

- feature request: add "number of days member" to the 7 day ranking ilst

- "Last saved at:" timestamp of a saved puzzle shows server time instead of puzzler's local time

- non-ASCII subscribed email showing wrong characters

- some older subscriber accounts are missing

- problem with username and "user rank" on forum for people with non-ASCII usernames
- check if PDF book purchases also work for non-ASCII usernames

- erase button not working on medium Sudoku puzzles?

- add information about all ways to score points to the "explanation box" text

- show information about the timed puzzle bonus points on the "getset" page

- make timed puzzles accessible from phone UI

- show 'Today' link when midnight passes

- number of consecutive days solving puzzles off? (paulv66, showing 532 days when member for 497 days)

- add/show the message that today's puzzle was loaded because the requested puzzle was too old

- bolded numbers are relatively small in Sudoku puzzles

- change puzzle sizes/names in puzzle bar to images to keep size under control

- add info on local time when puzzles change?

- make it so clicking on the forum header image takes you back to the last puzzle you were on
-> this will be solved by a solution for this:

- year history page slow

- font size for 0, 1, 2 is smaller for the numbers in the pad

- remove requirement to set operators for no-op puzzles?

- feature suggestion: show puzzle rating for bonus puzzle

done points for extra puzzles not counted in the "points today" dropdown (as well as user puzzle points)

done change text encoding for Russian from CP-1251 to UTF-8

done if a puzzle has only pencilled in numbers, the "Clear All" and "Clear Non-bolded" buttons don't work

done book history page is very slow

done book solution submission page slow

done calendar missing on phone?

unable to reproduce numpad button attempts to clear puzzle (

unable to reproduce Windows menu key enters the number "45" in a cell for a 7x7 from -3 .. 3
- Delete key enters a "-2"

done check if user-submitted puzzles still work ok

done 7x7 difficult shown in the medium set of puzzles in "puzzle bar"

done timed puzzle starting page seems slow

done add a loading spinner when switching puzzles

done fix button size for + - x : buttons (no-op puzzles)

done puzzle points missing on print page

done make puzzle tab turn green as soon as puzzle is solved (and maybe also use "gradient" effect for the green)

done fact that Extra puzzle was solved not shown in the new puzzle bar (i.e. does not turn green)

done star rating off for book puzzles on history page (removed the stars for solved book puzzles for now, as there is no system to the way book puzzles are rated)

done align date + calendar properly

done "puzzle info bar" still sometimes too full, e.g. for

done add link to book puzzle submit page from book history page, and vice versa

done clean up "How to solve" text layout (ilke was done already for the Dutch version) (done for English and Dutch only so far)

done 2/3 day puzzles changing from non-subscriber to subscriber puzzle (and vice versa)

done pencil icon not getting checkmark when selected, only for twin puzzles, only on Android (?)

no fix needed? page scrolling suddenly for some people (marblevolcano, skeeter84)

bold "clear all non-bolded" makes cursor disappear

done number pad location button should not appear for twin puzzles

done store time taken so far when saving a puzzle, so the reported time taken when evenutally solved is realistic

done make it clearer in the "solved message" when someone has unlocked the next bonus puzzle

done hide the side ad when the calendar is open (calendar now shown higher up)

done move the Killer Sudoku and Sudoku text to the "How to solve" box

done "How to solve" box can now be closed with the "Esc" key

done puzzle menu should not close and then open when a puzzle is selected

done registering via "google+" stopped working

done mark the subscribers-only puzzles in the puzzle menu

done puzzle menu has 2 entries highlighted when extra puzzle selected

done "no-op" explanation showing up twice

done "subscriber only" + Extra puzzles were accessible to non-subscribers

done add "Select Puzzle" / "Puzzle Menu" (etc.) somewhere (?)
- "menu icon" for now, maybe add tooltip later

done 'undo' does not update error checking

done puzzle points not showing

done guesses are showing above puzzle menu

done timed puzzle page always stating it's puzzle number 1

done forum unread count missing

done side ad not showing

done validate email page not showing

done page not showing if visited via Facebook

done points menu indicates bonus puzzle is available, even when it already has been solved

done "Solved # times" counter does not update

done sometimes the calendar leads to a "page not found" error page (have not been able to reproduce yet)

done fixed small bug where no puzzle would show up if an extra puzzle is requested that's too old

done add the currently visible puzzle to the menu list
- still to also do this for Extra, Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, + add green checkmark to entry if already solved

done put "Today" link back
- better check for non-existing puzzles (like when going from yesterday's 7x7 to "Today")

done re-enable right side number pad for non-subscribers, and then move the ad to the left hand side
(had to disable it to avoid accidential ad clicks)

done country name no longer showing when hovering over flag in "solved ticker"

done move "error checking" setting to settings menu

done on iPad: after opening + closing a dropdown menu, can't reopen the same menu

done make top entry of the menu also a button to close the menu

done 7x7 levels off by one (e.g. on May 8th)

done "Killer Sudoku" entries are too wide
- still too wide

done unable to select puzzle if the dropdown is taller than the screen height

done keep menu open if the mouse goes outside it for a bit
(menu now stays open until closed)

done "Congratulations, you solved the puzzle" box appears too low on the page

done Extra puzzle does not load (Wed 10x10)

That's all (so far [scared] )

Last edited by pnm on Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:47 pm, edited 100 times in total.


Posted on: Tue May 09, 2017 9:02 pm

Posts: 744
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:20 pm
Post Re: list of current issues
I have an unusual one.

I work on an iPad Pro with the newest OS. It is 10.3.1

If I open the puzzle menu, and then open the menu under my screen name , the only close arrow that appears is at the bottom of the puzzle list. When I hit that to close the puzzle menu it closes both menus.

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Posted on: Tue May 09, 2017 9:15 pm

Posts: 3471
Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 11:58 pm
Post Re: list of current issues
eclipsegirl wrote:
I have an unusual one.

You trying to keep me busy??



Posted on: Tue May 09, 2017 9:28 pm

Posts: 744
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:20 pm
Post Re: list of current issues


Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 12:30 am

Posts: 744
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:20 pm
Post Re: list of current issues
Todays Extra Puzzle (Wed May 10) does not seem to load

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Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 3:29 am

Posts: 300
Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:15 pm
Post Re: list of current issues
eclipsegirl wrote:
Todays Extra Puzzle (Wed May 10) does not seem to load

Doesn't load for me either.


Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 5:31 am

Posts: 932
Location: Ladysmith, BC, Canada
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 1:37 am
Post Re: list of current issues
Does not load for me either [crying]


Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 5:45 am

Posts: 62
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 2:21 am
Post Re: list of current issues
I can't get today's Extra to load as well & last night I was going back to do some previous ones I didn't get a chance to do & found a few wouldn't load also but some did.....


Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 6:31 am

Posts: 932
Location: Ladysmith, BC, Canada
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 1:37 am
Post Re: list of current issues
Click on your total points so that the dropdown menu shows up and click on unsolved extras and there you will find today's extra ...... sorry, [sad] I didn't realize I was looking at yesterday's extra not today's

Last edited by beaker on Wed May 10, 2017 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.


Posted on: Wed May 10, 2017 7:01 am

Posts: 744
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:20 pm
Post Re: list of current issues
I am an on i Pad and Beaker's suggestion is not working for me.
I am having issues with having to refresh the page to use the drop down menu under our points total a second time without refreshing.
I do not have a problem with the using the other two drop down menus multiple times.

Last edited by eclipsegirl on Wed May 10, 2017 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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