Calcudoku puzzle forum

Entering numbers as guess does not quite work properly
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Author:  colgate  [ Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Entering numbers as guess does not quite work properly

How to solve section says that Shift + number would enter guesses, but it only partially works for me.

Here is what happens when I try to enter guesses

Shift + 1: works
Shift + 2: nothing
Shift + 3: guess 2
Shift + 4: nothing
Shift + 5: works
Shift + 6: guess 7
Shift + 7: nothing
Shift + 8: guess 9
Shift + 9: nothing
Shift + a: works
Shift + b: works
Shift + c: works

Author:  pnm  [ Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Entering numbers as guess does not quite work properly

Thanks for the report [thumbup]

My first thought and question: what type of keyboard are you using?

Author:  colgate  [ Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Entering numbers as guess does not quite work properly

pnm wrote:
Thanks for the report [thumbup]

My first thought and question: what type of keyboard are you using?

I use DAS-layout. It is quite fringe one. On Linux systems one can set it up with command
setxkbmap -layout "fi(das)"

Here is more about it (In Finnish, but it has pictures, there is also English versionbut pictures are borked there)

Author:  pnm  [ Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Entering numbers as guess does not quite work properly

I use DAS-layout. It is quite fringe one. On Linux systems one can set it up with command
setxkbmap -layout "fi(das)"

It is probably sending different codes for certain keys.

I'll set something up so we can check which codes they are.

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