Re: New forum for general number stuff
marblevolcano wrote:
You just need to change it in your settings.
That's right, this smart feature has been provided to the site by Patrick, in such a way that you can keep you "nationality" when you are travelling, or you can modify it if you like so (as I did, for instance, in Italy during an 8 days visit when I changed to the italian flag). At the time I changed to the canadian flag I was not visiting Canada. A few weeks ago I was in Sicily for 8 days but I kept the spanish flag, ... . So you can do Calcudokus under any flag if you want to do so, for any particular reason ... , this feature gives us some feeling of "freedom", like having a "worldwide citizenship".
Like frederick, I am not particularly nationalist, the flag is not the more important, the person is.
PD: I am looking forward visiting Canada one day, "in depth", I only crossed one time the "freedom bridge" from USA (from Buffalo).